This should not be something that we should take lightly, and lowering the drinking age would make this issue worse because more people would end up dying from drinking. Younger drinkers would have a higher risk of death, mostly because their bodies are not fully developed yet Lowering the drinking age to 18 years old would lead to an increase of car accidents connected to drunk driving; it would also negatively affect youths’ cognitive development, clouding their ability to make decisions and plans, and would make them Mar 15, · However, when you put into perspective the effect it has on your body and your mental health we should take into consideration the age limit and why that limit should not be lowered. The law should not decrease the legal drinking age because of the effects it can have on an undeveloped brain. Human brains do not fully develop until people turn /5(47)
The Drinking Age Should Not Be Lowered Essay - Words | Cram
One of the most controversial question and argument in the restaurant and grocery store industry is should the legal drinking age be changed? There are few people that believe it should be changed to something lower than 21; why the drinking age should not be lowered essay most of society thinks it should stay 21 and it should not be changed.
Below are a few reasons as to why the drinking age should not be lowered to any number less than the age of When we think of alcohol we think of beer, wine, and liquor but there are an endless amount of choices and mixed drinks for people to choose from when they decide to drink an alcoholic beverage.
Some of the types of drinks are whiskey, vodka, margaritas, and rum and coke just to name a few. While these are not all the alcoholic beverages these are some of the most common you will find people drinking. Drinking alcohol is made with a type of chemical alcohol that will not damage our bodies too badly unless over used. The chemical is called ethanol, in order to make alcohol you need why the drinking age should not be lowered essay ethanol, and fruits for some drinks and grains for others.
It then goes through a process called fermentation. According to www. Our writers can help you with any type of essay. For any subject Get your price How it works. There are multiple reasons as to why people drink alcohol. They can be suffering from depression, partying with friends, or just want to drink in general to relax and have a good time. People can also become addicted to alcohol. Alcohol is the most commonly used substance of abuse among young people in America and drinking when you are underage puts your health and safety at risk.
We all know that alcohol has many effects on the human body. These effects can range from being tipsy all the way to being black out drunk and even possibly death. Drinking at a young age can cause short-term problems and well as long-term why the drinking age should not be lowered essay in preteens and teenagers. Short-term effects can include elusive behavior, making wrong decisions, being more likely to drink and drive, as well as more likely to be the victim of sexual assault behaviors.
The livers job is to break down items with the bile and enzymes that are located within it, this includes the breaking down of the chemicals in an alcoholic beverage. Alcohol can cause people to start losing their coordination and memory when they become progressively drunk. The one thing people cannot get back from drinking is their life.
According to the NIAAA there are over 88, alcohol related deaths annually making it the third most preventable cause of death in the United States. That is a significantly large number when you think of something so small like a drink could do.
This statistic includes drinking and driving accidents, drinking too much, as well as making poor decisions. Drinking at a younger age can also lead to adolescents having more problems in school. Alcohol effects how brains are developed. During school ages, children need to have a fully functional developing brain in order to be successful student. The legal drinking age in North America is twenty-one. After getting their license teens are more prone to car accidents without having alcohol in their system, so adding alcohol makes this risk go up.
Teens driving under the influence and even adults that drive under the influence put their lives and the lives of others at a greater chance of risk each time they make that decision. If the legal drinking age was lowered, there would also be an increase in sexual assaults among preteens, teens, and young adults. Adding alcohol to the mix of hormonal kids will most likely end in an unpleasant result. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 97, college students aged report experiencing alcohol related sexual assault or date rape.
Drinking in college also makes college students miss class, fall behind in classes, and possibly even fail a classes or multiple classes. All in all drinking in general is a bad choice for adults, but especially for teens. However, when you put into perspective the effect it has on your body and your mental health we should take into consideration the age limit and why that limit should not be lowered.
The law should not decrease the legal drinking age because of the effects it can have on an undeveloped brain. Human brains do not fully develop until people turn Drinking before the brain is fully developed can cause memory loss and frequent attention spasms.
It could also cause very different behavioral issues to occur. Why the Drinking Age Should NOT be Lowered. com, Mar 15, Accessed November 27, comMar Make sure your essay is original or hire a writer to make it plagiarism-free. We will send an essay sample to you in 2 Hours, why the drinking age should not be lowered essay.
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Persuasive Speech: Lowering the Drinking Age
, time: 9:01Drinking Age Should Not Be Lowered | blogger.com

The Drinking Age Should Not Be Lowered The legal drinking age should not be lowered as it has been proven it will have negative effects on the individual and society. The legal drinking age started at 21 years old in the ’s. During the Vietnam War era the legal drinking age was lowered to 18 to accommodate the soldiers that were in the War Mar 15, · However, when you put into perspective the effect it has on your body and your mental health we should take into consideration the age limit and why that limit should not be lowered. The law should not decrease the legal drinking age because of the effects it can have on an undeveloped brain. Human brains do not fully develop until people turn /5(47) Lowering the drinking age to 18 years old would lead to an increase of car accidents connected to drunk driving; it would also negatively affect youths’ cognitive development, clouding their ability to make decisions and plans, and would make them
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