Research Paper Marijuana Legalization Abstract Marijuana is the people’s drug of choice; it’s the most popular drug of all the drugs. Made famous in movies (Cheech and Chong), hit an all-time boom in the 60’s when smoke to rebel against law enforcement A review of published studies on the subjective effects of cannabis use from to identifies reported positive effects of cannabis on cognition, perception and creativity. A review of unpublished anecdotal evidence suggests 73 additional enhancement effects The recent research showed that more than 70% of US citizens would agree to use and approve of the use of marijuana if prescribed or recommended by the doctor (Medical Marijuana, ). California Medical Marijuana Laws
The Legalization of Marijuana, Research Paper Example
To browse Academia. edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, marijuana legalization research paper, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser, marijuana legalization research paper. Skip to main content. edu no longer supports Internet Explorer. Log In Sign Up. Marijuana Legalization 4, Followers. Papers People, marijuana legalization research paper. Self-control, differential association and the drug—crime link in Uruguay in the context of the legalization of Marijuana.
An important social cost of using An important social cost of using drugs is crime and violence. However, the nature of the link between both phenomena is yet to be clarified. Three possible explanations have been provided. First, forward causation. Second, reverse causation. Finally, marijuana legalization research paper, co-occurrence.
Careful examination of these explanations has important policy implications. Drug policies based on the prohibitionist model have been influenced by the idea that violence and crime reduction is strongly connected with drug use reduction Hayhurst et al. Under the prohibitionist model the drug problem is framed as a criminal justice issue to be tackled through enforcement.
However, doubts regarding the nature of the drug-crime link and the effectiveness of prohibitionist policies MacCoun et al. Save to Library. Medical Cannabis for Headache Pain: a Primer for Clinicians. Purpose of Review Public acceptance of Cannabis sativa L.
cannabis as a therapeutic option grows despite lags in both research and clinician familiarity. Cannabis-whether as a medical, recreational, or illicit substance-is and has been Cannabis-whether as a medical, recreational, or illicit substance-is and has been commonly used by patients.
With ongoing decriminalization efforts, decreased perception of harms, and increased use of cannabis in the treatment of symptoms and disease, it is critical for clinicians to understand the rationale for specific therapies and their medical and practical implications for patients. In view of the opioid crisis, overall patient dissatisfaction, and lack of adherence to current chronic pain and headache therapies, this review provides up-to-date knowledge on cannabis as a potential treatment option for headache pain.
For a wide variety of conditions and symptoms including chronic paincannabis has gained increasing acceptance in society.
The effects of cannabidiol CBD and tetrahydrocannabinol THC in pain pathways have been significantly elucidated. An increasing number of retrospective studies have shown a decrease in pain scores after administration of cannabinoids, as well as longterm benefits such as reduced opiate use.
Yet, there is no FDA-approved cannabis product for headache or other chronic pain disorders. More is being done to determine who is likely to benefit from cannabis as well as to understand the long-term effects and limitations of the treatment. Summary Cannabis can refer to a number of products derived from the plant Cannabis sativa L. Relatively well-tolerated, these products come in different configurations, types, and delivery forms.
Specific formulations of the plant have been shown to be an effective treatment modality for chronic pain, including headache.
It is important for clinicians to know which product is being discussed as well as the harms, benefits, contraindications, interactions, and unknowns in order to provide the best counsel for patients. Uruguayan Cannabis Social Clubs: From activism to dispensaries? Background In Uruguay regulated three models for the supply of cannabis for recreational use Law According to the Cannabis Regulation and Control Institute, CSCs are active at the According to the Cannabis Regulation and Control Institute, marijuana legalization research paper, CSCs are active at the time of writing.
Objectives This paper has a twofold goal. Marijuana legalization research paper, it aims to take stock of how the CSC model has continued to be implemented in practice, drawing on the first-hand accounts of those involved in its management. Secondly, our analysis marijuana legalization research paper to contribute to the understanding of the CSC model by considering the different variants of the model that have emerged in Uruguay.
Methodology Our analysis draws on qualitative research conducted in Uruguay between June and October of We conducted 15 semi-structured and face-to-face interviews with representatives of registered Uruguayan CSCs and with 13 other stakeholders.
We found that truly social CSCs co-exist with, and may be losing ground to, quasi-dispensary clubs, marijuana legalization research paper. This raises potential new challenges as to the contribution of the CSC model from a harm reduction perspective, marijuana legalization research paper.
Why Uruguay legalized marijuana? The open window of public insecurity. Background and aims: InUruguay became the first country in the world fully to regulate its marijuana market. This ambitious policy was also an unexpected one: none of the usual explanations for marijuana legalization research paper of marijuana in other This ambitious policy was also an unexpected one: none of the usual explanations for legalization of marijuana in other contexts was present in the Uruguayan case.
This paper offers an explanation for why Uruguay legalized marijuana. Methods: A congruence case study using evidence from a series of interviews with political actors and policy makers, media reports, and official documents. Assessment of Norwegian physicians' knowledge, experience and attitudes towards medical cannabis.
Background: Medicinal cannabis MC has been used extensively marijuana legalization research paper history. However, marijuana legalization research paper, its criminalization in the United States in spurred the international community to follow suit, including Norway. Despite being reintroduced Despite being reintroduced as a medical treatment in many countries in recent years, the use of MC in Norway is confined to a select few patient groups, and medical specialists must formally apply for authorization from the Norwegian authorities to prescribe the drug.
Results: A total of physicians participated in this study. Physicians generally agreed that MC is a legitimate treatment option n ¼ 45, marijuana legalization research paper, The shifting landscape of cannabis legalization: Potential benefits and regulatory perspectives.
This comment is a response to Al-Hamdani et al. forthcoming in this issue. The authors of that paper advocate plain packaging and warning label regulation for cannabis drawing on research from Canadian tobacco labelling and based on the The authors of that paper advocate plain packaging and warning label regulation for cannabis drawing on research from Canadian tobacco labelling and based on the public health dangers of cannabis.
While we acknowledge the harmful. Therapeutic Benefits of Cannabis Based on Patient Observation Presented by Well Family Care. Canapa: coltivare il seme della vita. Regularización del mercado de cannabis. Una propuesta para Chile. Seminario organizado por los estudiantes de la asigantura de Criminología y Política Criminal de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas marijuana legalization research paper Sociales de la Universidad Austral de Chiel.
An Inventory of Cognitive Enhancement Effects of Cannabis. A fair and properly informed social policy on cannabis legalization should consider the positive as well as the negative effects marijuana legalization research paper its use, marijuana legalization research paper.
A review of published studies on the subjective effects of cannabis use marijuana legalization research paper to A review of published studies on the subjective effects of cannabis use from to identifies reported positive effects of cannabis on cognition, perception and creativity.
A review of unpublished anecdotal evidence suggests 73 additional enhancement effects. These comprise a pool of items that may potentially be further analyzed to produce a standard checklist or psychometric instrument to assess positive cognitive effects of cannabis. Use of cannabis to enhance cognition, creativity and self-insight may constitute a legitimate category of cannabis use distinct from medicinal and recreational use.
The commonly reported subjective effect of improved mental clarity suggests that cannabinoids might yield novel medications to treat thought disorder in anxiety-related and other psychiatric conditions. Alcohol State Regulation as a Model for Canabis. offers intriguing insights regarding a potential means to move forward on underachieving illicit drug legislation.
We would, however, be hesitant to support the Marihuana: del prohibicionismo a la regulación. La guerra contra las drogas fue un año clave para México. Allí comenzó la espiral de violencia en la que seguimos metidos hasta marijuana legalization research paper fecha. Como los especialistas han señalado reiteradamente, la causa principal del brusco y Como los especialistas han señalado reiteradamente, la causa principal del brusco y espectacular incremento en los homicidios en el país fue la "guerra contra el narcotráfico" emprendida por Felipe Calderón.
No es que antes la violencia fuera inexistente, pero era significativamente menor y los indicadores sobre el tema-el número absoluto y la tasa de homicidios por cada cien mil habitantes-tenían dos décadas de sostenido descenso. A la decisión de Felipe Calderón le debemos el descalabro de esta trayectoria: donde sea que puso en práctica su estrategia, los números Marijuana legalization research paper, Job. Revista de Teoría y Crítica Política. marzo, La cultura "Cannábica" en España Análisis socioantropológico de un nuevo tipo de movimiento social.
A legalização da maconha nos EUA e o movimento antiproibicionista. Artigo de opinião publicado no Fonte Segura Fórum Brasileiro de Segurança Pública em 17 de novembro de Pilares que antes sustentavam o Pilares que antes sustentavam o proibicionismo são abalados e sua manutenção, questionada.
War on Drugs, Mass Incarceration: Reparations.
What’s new in cannabis research?
, time: 57:16Final Research Paper - Marijuana Legalization | PDF | Cannabis (Drug) | Medical Cannabis
Research Paper Marijuana Legalization Abstract Marijuana is the people’s drug of choice; it’s the most popular drug of all the drugs. Made famous in movies (Cheech and Chong), hit an all-time boom in the 60’s when smoke to rebel against law enforcement A review of published studies on the subjective effects of cannabis use from to identifies reported positive effects of cannabis on cognition, perception and creativity. A review of unpublished anecdotal evidence suggests 73 additional enhancement effects The recent research showed that more than 70% of US citizens would agree to use and approve of the use of marijuana if prescribed or recommended by the doctor (Medical Marijuana, ). California Medical Marijuana Laws
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