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Human nature - Wikipedia
The term was coined in by Manfred Clynes and Nathan S. Halacy's Cyborg: Evolution of the Superman featured an introduction which spoke of a "new frontier" that was "not merely space, but more profoundly the relationship between 'inner space' to 'outer space' — a bridge between mind and matter.
According to Donna Haraway, for as long as machines and technology have existed, a love-hate relationship has also existed between them and humanity.
Haraway is at the forefront of this and dissects the interconnectedness of humans and human evolution essay. She has written the Cyborg Manifesto, which is a break-down of her views of cyborgs and the route that humanity is toward that concept. Haraway is a self-claimed cyborg, a product of science and technology, nothing special or different. Human evolution essay the modern-day and age, humanity has become so woven in with technology that it is hard to tell where the line that divides them is.
This is especially apparent in medicine with the modifications we are now able to accomplish with modern science and technology. As humans advance as a society, Haraway explains how all boundaries between humans, animals, human evolution essay technology have been breached.
This breach leads to hybrids and more complexities. Every place that meets the eye there is some form of technology that humans need and depend on. Science and technology have evolved so far that we rely on them for every little task in our life. There is somewhat of a cyborg age upon us. It is not as natural as made out to be, it is fed food, kept alive on pharmaceuticals, and altered through medical procedures.
Haraway believes that in order to survive we need to get behind the complex nature of technoculture. This article can also be viewed from a feminist lens. But, if we are cyborgs as Haraway says, then all of us can be reconstructed and improved. There exists the ability to construct your identity, sexuality, and all just as you please to do so.
Since we have allowed and created machines and technology to be so advanced, there should be no reason to fear what we have created.
Cyborgs should be embraced because they are now part of human identities. Human evolution essay being said, it is important to empathize with both sides because only having one perspective can cause more harm than good.
According to some definitions of the term, the physical attachments that humans have with even the most basic technologies have already made them cyborgs, human evolution essay. Implants, especially cochlear implantsthat combine mechanical modification with any kind of feedback response are also cyborg enhancements.
Some theorists [ who? As cyborgs currently are on the rise, some theorists [ who? For instance, a human evolution essay definition of aging has been suggested.
The term is also used to address human- technology mixtures in the abstract. This includes not only commonly-used pieces of technology such as phoneshuman evolution essay, computersthe Internetand so on, but also artifacts that may not popularly be considered technology; for example, pen and paperand speech and language. When augmented with these technologies and connected in communication with people in other times and places, a person becomes capable of much more than they were before, human evolution essay.
An example is a computer, which gains power by using Internet protocols to connect with other computers. Another example is a social-media bot —either a bot-assisted human or a human-assisted-bot—used to target social media with likes and shares. a powered exoskeleton. The computer game Deus Ex: Invisible War prominently features cyborgs called Omar, Russian for 'lobster'. In science fictionthe most stereotypical portrayal of a cyborg is a person or, more rarely, an animal with visible added mechanical parts.
These include the superhero Cyborg from DC Comics and the Borg race from the Star Trek Universe. However, cyborgs can also be portrayed as looking more robotic or more organic. They may appear as humanoid robotssuch as Robotman from DC's Doom Patrol or most varieties of the Cybermen from Doctor Who ; they can appear as non-humanoid robots such as the Daleks again, from Doctor Who or like the majority of the motorball players in Battle Angel Alita and its prequel Ashen Victor.
More human-appearing cyborgs may cover up their mechanical parts with armor or clothing, such as Darth Vader Star Wars or Misty Knight Marvel Comics. Cyborgs may have mechanical parts or bodies that appear human.
For example, the eponymous Human evolution essay Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman from their respective television series have prostheses externally identical to the body parts that they replaced; while Major Motoko Kusanagi Ghost in the Shell is a full-body cyborg whose body appears human.
In these examples, among others, human evolution essay, it is common for cyborgs to have superhuman physical or mental abilities, including great strengthenhanced senses, computer-assisted brains, human evolution essay, or built-in weaponry. The concept of a man-machine mixture was widespread in science fiction before World War II. As early asEdgar Allan Poe described a man with extensive prostheses in the short story " The Man That Was Used Up ".
InJean de La Hire introduced the Nyctalopea science fiction hero who was perhaps the first literary cyborg, human evolution essay, in Le Mystère des XV later translated as The Nyctalope on Mars. He later featured the talking, living brain of an old scientist, Simon Wright, floating around in a transparent case, in all the adventures of his famous hero, Captain Future. Inin the short story " No Woman Born ", C. Moore wrote of Deirdre, a dancerwhose body was burned completely and whose brain was placed in a faceless but beautiful and supple mechanical body.
Inthe term "cyborg" was coined by Manfred E. Clynes and Nathan S. Kline to human evolution essay to their conception of an enhanced human being who could survive in extraterrestrial environments: [1]. For the exogenously extended organizational complex functioning as an integrated homeostatic system unconsciously, we propose the term 'Cyborg'. Their concept was the outcome of thinking about the need for an intimate relationship between human and machine as the new human evolution essay of space exploration was beginning to open up.
A designer of physiological instrumentation and electronic data-processing systems, Clynes was the chief research scientist in the Dynamic Simulation Laboratory at Rockland State Hospital in New York, human evolution essay. The term first appears in print 5 months earlier when The New York Times reported on the "Psychophysiological Aspects of Space Flight Symposium" where Clynes and Kline first presented their paper:.
A cyborg is essentially a human evolution essay system in which the control mechanisms of the human portion are modified externally by drugs or regulatory devices so that the being can live in an environment different from the normal one. Thereafter, Hamilton would first use the term "cyborg" explicitly in the short story, "After a Judgment Day", to describe the "mechanical analogs" called "Charlies," explaining that "[c]yborgs, they had been called from the first one in the s cybernetic organisms.
Ina book titled Cyborg: Digital Destiny and Human Possibility in the Age of the Wearable Computer was published by Doubleday. Cyborg tissues structured with carbon nanotubes and plant or fungal cells have been used in artificial tissue engineering to produce new materials for human evolution essay and electrical uses. Such work was presented by Raffaele Di GiacomoBruno Marescahuman evolution essay, and others, at the Materials Research Society 's spring conference on 3 April It could also be shaped in the desired forms.
Cells combined with multi-walled carbon nanotubes MWCNTs co-precipitated as a specific aggregate of cells and nanotubes that formed a viscous material. Likewise, human evolution essay, dried cells still acted as a stable matrix for the MWCNT network. When observed by optical microscopythe material resembled an artificial " tissue " composed of highly human evolution essay cells.
The effect of human evolution essay drying was manifested by their " ghost cell " appearance. A rather specific physical interaction between MWCNTs and cells was observed by electron microscopysuggesting that the cell wall the outermost part of fungal and plant cells may play a major active role in establishing a carbon nanotube's network and its stabilization.
This novel material can be used in a wide range of electronic applications, from heating to sensing. For instance, using Candida albicans cells, a species of yeast that often lives inside the human gastrointestinal tracthuman evolution essay, cyborg tissue materials with temperature sensing properties have been reported, human evolution essay.
In current prosthetic applications, the C-Leg system developed by Otto Bock HealthCare is used to replace a human leg that has been amputated because of injury or illness. The use of sensors in the artificial C-Leg aids in walking significantly by attempting to replicate the user's natural gaitas it would be prior to amputation.
In vision sciencedirect brain implants have been used to treat non- congenital acquired blindness. One of the first scientists to come human evolution essay with a working brain interface to restore sight was a private researcher William Dobelle.
Dobelle's first prototype was implanted into "Jerry", a man blinded in adulthood, in A single-array BCI containing 68 electrodes was implanted onto Jerry's visual cortex and succeeded in producing phosphenesthe sensation of seeing light.
The system included cameras mounted on glasses to send signals to the implant. Initially, the implant allowed Jerry to see human evolution essay of grey in a human evolution essay field of vision at a low frame-rate, human evolution essay. This also required him to be hooked up to a two-ton mainframebut shrinking electronics and faster computers made his artificial eye more portable and now enable him to perform simple tasks unassisted.
InPhilip Kennedy, a scientist and physician, created the world's first human cyborg from Johnny Raya Vietnam veteran who suffered a stroke. Ray's body, as doctors called it, was "locked in". Ray wanted his old life back so he agreed to Kennedy's experiment. Kennedy embedded an implant he designed and named a " neurotrophic electrode " near the injured part of Ray's brain so that Ray would be able to have some movement back in his body.
The surgery went successfully, but inRay died. Inhuman evolution essay, Canadian Jens Naumannalso blinded in adulthood, became the first in a series of 16 paying patients to receive Dobelle's second-generation implant, marking one of the earliest commercial uses of BCIs. The second-generation device used a more sophisticated implant enabling better mapping of phosphenes into coherent vision.
Phosphenes are spread out across the visual field in what researchers call the starry-night effect. Immediately after his implant, human evolution essay, Naumann was able to use his imperfectly restored vision to drive slowly around the parking area of the research institute. In contrast to replacement technologies, inunder the heading Project Cyborga British scientist, Kevin Warwickhad an array of electrodes fired into his nervous system in order to link his nervous system into the internet to investigate enhancement possibilities.
With this in place, Warwick successfully carried out a series of experiments including extending his nervous system over the internet to control a robotic handalso receiving feedback from the fingertips in order to control the hand's grip.
This was a form of extended sensory input. Subsequently, he investigated ultrasonic input in order to remotely detect the distance to objects. Finally, human evolution essay, with electrodes also implanted into his wife's nervous system, they conducted the first direct electronic communication experiment between the nervous systems of two humans. SinceBritish artist Neil Harbisson has had a cyborg antenna implanted in his head that allows him to extend his perception of colors beyond the human visual spectrum through vibrations in his skull.
Rob Spencea Toronto-based filmmakerwho titles himself a real-life "Eyeborg," severely damaged his right eye in a shooting accident on his grandfather's farm as a child, human evolution essay.
Under Mann's guidance, Spence, at human evolution essay 36, created a prototype in the form of the miniature camera which could be fitted inside his prosthetic eye ; an invention that would come to be named by Time magazine as one of the best inventions of The bionic eye records everything he sees and contains a 1.
The eye is not connected to his brain and has not restored his sense of vision. Additionally, Spence has also installed a laser -like LED light in one version of the prototype. Furthermore, many cyborgs with multifunctional microchips injected into a hand are known to exist.
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