This question has a lot of people’s own opinions on it, like 66% people say ban it in public places and 27% say ban it completely. Some say smoking is one of the hardest things to get rid of as tobacco contains nicotine which can become highly addictive for some, but smokers don’t realize how bad smoking is as it can be a health issue. Smoking doesn’t just harm the person it also harms others Nov 21, · Smoking Should Be Banned in Public Places. Smoking is considered to be one of the most dangerous problems of every nation since in many cases it leads to fourteen different types of cancer, including pancreatic, renal, bladder, mouth, stomach, liver and cervical cancer. Being the single biggest cause of cancer in the world, smoking causes about This is a ban smoking in public places essay. It is an example of an essay where you have to give your opinion as to whether you agree or disagree. The sample answer shows you how you can present the opposing argument first, that is not your opinion, and then present your opinion in the following paragraph. It is always a good idea to present a balanced essay which presents both sides of the
Essay On Banning Smoking In Public Areas | blogger.com
Should smoking be banned in public places? Imagine you are out with your family and going for a nice little banning smoking in public places essay and decide to sit on a bench. Enjoying your view then a smoker comes long and stands right beside you and starts to light up his cigarette.
Would you be happy? Would you get up and say something or make little hints by coughing? Or would you still sit and eat your lunch along with nicotine going in your system at the same time. If smoking stopped it would reduce healthcare costs. So basically you can suffer from smoking. Healthcare bills are becoming more and more expensive and keep increasing as smokers are becoming ill and are then getting sent to the hospital for care, 9. Imagine you were about to have a baby and the ambulance would take half an hour as they have the ambulance out helping a smoker.
Around people die from lung cancer in Northern Ireland each year, banning smoking in public places essay, smoking can make your blood thicker and this causes your blood vessels to grow narrower, this makes your heart beat faster and your blood pressure goes up, this also causes more blood clots and heart attacks as the blood cant pass through.
More women die from lung cancer than breast cancer each year, this is the cause of smoking. Cigarette butts are non-biodegradable.
If thrown recklessly they can clog up our water system. With Banning smoking in public places there will be lesser cigarette butts and lesser toxic waste that can be stuck in our water system. Tobacco contains more than 4, chemicals; including tar, nicotine, banning smoking in public places essay, banning smoking in public places essay, carbon monoxide, ammonia, formaldehyde, and hydrogen cyanide.
Smoking can cause bones to become very weak, especially for women which can be dangerous. Smoking makes you prone to osteoporosis and bone fractures. Nicotine kills the osteoblast which are cells that make up the structure of your bones. To make your bones better and stronger while smoking you could exercise regularly, drink lots of milk calcium and try to avoid smoking heavily and cut down on alcoholic beverages.
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Essay on Smoking cigarette in public places should be banned
, time: 8:33Essay on Smoking In Public Places Should Be Banned - SaralStudy
This question has a lot of people’s own opinions on it, like 66% people say ban it in public places and 27% say ban it completely. Some say smoking is one of the hardest things to get rid of as tobacco contains nicotine which can become highly addictive for some, but smokers don’t realize how bad smoking is as it can be a health issue. Smoking doesn’t just harm the person it also harms others Nov 21, · Smoking Should Be Banned in Public Places. Smoking is considered to be one of the most dangerous problems of every nation since in many cases it leads to fourteen different types of cancer, including pancreatic, renal, bladder, mouth, stomach, liver and cervical cancer. Being the single biggest cause of cancer in the world, smoking causes about Essay On Banning Smoking In Public Areas. Words3 Pages. The controversial topic of banning smoking in public areas is something that needs to be addressed since it is a well known fact that smoking is one of the leading causes of lung cancer not just in smokers but non-smokers too through second hand smoke
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